my hair is dark brown, i want to dye it dark red. my 2 questions are... is it possible for my hair to take the color without bleaching? and... when the red eventually fades what color will my hair be if i bleach it? thanks for any answers.
Dying my dark brown hair red without bleaching?
red is horrible.
Dying my dark brown hair red without bleaching?
Be careful--it's very difficult to go back to brown from red. I'd get it done professionally.
Dying my dark brown hair red without bleaching?
natural henna
Dying my dark brown hair red without bleaching?
You don't need to bleach it, just follow the dye directions.
Dying my dark brown hair red without bleaching?
i have dark hair and used to dye it dark red all the time. depends what kind of dark red you want it. it probably wont be a firey red, but a deep auburn color. mine often came out as if it had highlights in it (maybe i just didnt dye it good enough) lol but it always looked good. as for bleaching it afterwards, i have no idea, i would maybe talk to a hairdresser on that one
Dying my dark brown hair red without bleaching?
im not sure but 1. no 2. it will turn to the origional color
Dying my dark brown hair red without bleaching?
yeah the red will take to your brown hair.. but be warned it will be a very dark red.
AND if you do bleach it after.. it may go a bit ginger.. but if you re-blech it - it should go blonde/white blonde.
Good Luck!
Dying my dark brown hair red without bleaching?
i did the same thing! yes your hair will take the color with out bleaching it.. but if you are doing it at home be sure to get more dye than you think you will need because you have to put alot in.. if you do bleach your hair...[please dont, but] it will look gray-ish white-ish not attractive
good luck send me pictures!!
Dying my dark brown hair red without bleaching?
Yes. The colour you apply aready has some bleach in it in order to make your hair porous enough to accept the new colour. If you mean bleach it white, no. You don't have to.
A word about henna: if you use it and you do not like the colour results, it is next to impossbile to fix it. You cannot use a regular hair colour over it until it is grown out.
Dying my dark brown hair red without bleaching?
my hair is dark brown and i tried dying it pink without any bleach and it didnt work.. u might wanna get it bleached because i got mine bleached and it showed up.. and ur second question is the red hair will probaly turn dark pink or somthing... mi pink hair turned an orangish color (its bleached)... hopefully i helped!
Dying my dark brown hair red without bleaching?
It will take, but I would go to a salon and get it done. But be aware of the fact that red fades out really fast. Also, red is a hard color to come back from, you probably would need to get it stripped out if you decided to change.
Dying my dark brown hair red without bleaching?
okay, so you dont have to bleach your hair to get red.. but you do have to keep redying.. i killed my hair by going red.. even though it looked amazing, i had to keep redying it, and i stopped a year ago... now i have like, half my head brown, and half my head orangish,, cuz it faded to browny orange.
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