Monday, April 16, 2012

Dyeing hair red?

srry i am repeating the same question i did ealier but i would like some other answers! so as i aked earlier i am a red head who would like to dye my hair that bright red kinda color haliegh from Paramore has! would this look good or okay on me? thx!

Dyeing hair red?

Okay i think you can pull it off. but if you want wild hair you have to wear slightly darker makeup!

try cat eyes with a little smokey eyeshadow I think itll look hecka cute..

me I dyed the top half of my hair darkest brown and the bottom half red.

and then cut it about 1.5 inches above my shoulders and layerd it with about total of 6 layers. it looks hecka cute..

try that hair style with the color you want.

Dyeing hair red?

yeah that would be really cute. id do it if i were you

Dyeing hair red?

i like her hair and it would look good on you but i also think a darker shade would look good on you too

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