Monday, April 16, 2012

Dyeing Hair Red Without Bleaching?

Is there any way to dye my hair red without bleaching it?

My hair color is black If i cand do that then theres anouther question Do I have to bleach my hair before i use Punky Colors?

Dyeing Hair Red Without Bleaching?

If you have already colored your hair, you have to bleach it out before, if you want to go red. If it is virgin hair, then you don't. However when you bleach out your hair, don't leave it on till it turns yellow or white. You are coloring it red, so just let it lighten till it is red, then wash off. For punky colors it is the same thing. But if you want it really bright red(fire engine red-not like natural), then the longer you leave the bleach on the better(just to yellow-no lighter or your hair WILL fall out of your head).

When you put bleach on black hair,

1st it turns brownish,

then brown/red

then red

then red/orange%26lt;--------(this is where u wanna wash it off)

then orange/yellow

then yellow

then light yellow

then white(it definitely will break at this point!)

Good Luck Lady!!

Dyeing Hair Red Without Bleaching?

yes you do, dye wont lift dye, I know CHI makes a hair color that bleaches as it deposits the color. But if you have dyed hair you most definitely have to bleach it to do anything lighter or different.

Dyeing Hair Red Without Bleaching?

I would suggest that you use a rinse, that wouldnt damage your hair and wouldnt be permanent just in case you dont like it.

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