Monday, April 16, 2012

(black hair) is dyein my hair red goin to damage my hair?

(black hair) I'm dyein my hair red/violet next thursday and is wondering if its gonna make my hair fallout or break

(black hair) is dyein my hair red goin to damage my hair?

Depends on what kind of formula you use to dye your hair with. Also just a note; before dying your hair red/violet of the sort, you should bleach it first or else the color wont show. Are you dying your hair at home or at salon?

(black hair) is dyein my hair red goin to damage my hair?

I hope you're getting it done professionally, because you'll need to strip the black from your hair first, and if it's not done right, your hair can absolutely fall out - it happened to a friend of mine who wanted to add fire engine red streaks in her black hair, but she ended up with a series of little bald spots, instead. Not a good look on her!

(black hair) is dyein my hair red goin to damage my hair?

It will damage your hair because it has bad chemicals in it.

(black hair) is dyein my hair red goin to damage my hair?

First going to a salon is the best idea.

The stylist should tell you the truth.

I have found that that color is a hard color to get if the hair is to dark but it is possible with out bleaching, which is where the really damage comes in

Good Luck

(black hair) is dyein my hair red goin to damage my hair?

depends on if black is your natural color...if yes, then you're fine, go pro and they will use a permanent color and it will lift it fine, if it's not......then you will have to lighten first, with bleach, which yes can cause damage if not done correctly. Either way go to a salon to get this done.

(black hair) is dyein my hair red goin to damage my hair?

ask your hairdress to use good soft dyein brand

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