Monday, April 16, 2012

From red tint back to natural hair color?

For last 1,5yrs I've been coloring my dull light brown/dark ash blonde hair red with l'Oreal Feria Scarlet Power (originally done in a local salon with Majirouge + added majired to boost) but now I'd like to get back to my natural color, with maybe caramel highlights. I've foiled my hair myself in the past, but never with red tint on.

I went back to the salon to get the red done again (6m ago) but the colour came off within a month :( and I didn't go back to complain as I'd been on holiday just after the application. I figured they would blame the sun for the loss of colour. Instead I've been reapplying the colour regularly but now have visible regrowth again.

I presume using a remover (Goldwell, Color Oops etc) will not lift the red, only make it lighter? And attempting highlights now would result in orange or pink highlights?

If I use a remover and all over tint with a brown tint similar to my tone (6-7) how soon can I attempt highlights?

From red tint back to natural hair color?

If you want to get rid of the red tone in your hair, dye it with ASH colors only...No naturals or golden tones, those will only make the red stand out more. It may take a couple dye jobs, but it will come out. Look at my 360 profile...I had red highlights and it took three dye jobs to get it like it is now, so i know what I'm talking about

From red tint back to natural hair color?

200000 YEARS

From red tint back to natural hair color?

i went red for a few years also , its the hardest color to keep in check since it fades so fast, and i wanted to go back to my dark brown i tried dying it dark brown myself but the red came though on a two occasions so i had a pro do it where red was removed and my color restored. i would go have the salon do it and get the color you want and give your hair a break before you put lights in.

From red tint back to natural hair color?

I had red in my hair sometime ago and I will never do that again. Red is the hardest color to take out of your hair. I tried taking the red out myself at home and my hair changed the colors of the sunset. Orange, yellow, red and so on LOL I looked like I was in a movie "Cholas Gone Wild" LOL The best thing for you to do is have your hair dyed the color you want by a professional then start dying it at home yourself after that. Like I said red is the hardest color to take out so let the professionals do it as not to damage your hair in the process.

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