Monday, April 23, 2012

I feel like rebelling and dying my hair red. Will it suit me?

I am thirteen, and when I suggested putting a semi-permanent red colour in my hair to my mom, she told me not to dare. Lately though, she had really been annoying me in various ways and she has taken to bossing me around. I know it is immature, etc., but I really feel like dying my hair anyway. This is the shade I am thinking of:

This is me:

Will it suit me??

I feel like rebelling and dying my hair red. Will it suit me? Will suit you

I feel like rebelling and dying my hair red. Will it suit me?

aw i think it will look pretty on you!

I feel like rebelling and dying my hair red. Will it suit me?

I think it'll look just great. You can also try a bubblegum pink.

I feel like rebelling and dying my hair red. Will it suit me?

i think the color wouldd look good on you! good luck w/mom!

I feel like rebelling and dying my hair red. Will it suit me?

if your gona rebel i think you should do something more badass

id tell you what i did when i was 13 but you'd get bad ideasbut yeah

i think it would if you do it right it might looks good

and you dont look 13

I feel like rebelling and dying my hair red. Will it suit me?

NO DON"T DO IT!! just kidding i dunno.:)

I feel like rebelling and dying my hair red. Will it suit me?

You shouldn't go against your mom, and you're too young to dye your hair, anyway.

I feel like rebelling and dying my hair red. Will it suit me?

Yeah, it would look nice on you, you have a good skin tone for it! Check with your mom first though sweetie, it'll make things worse if you don't.

I feel like rebelling and dying my hair red. Will it suit me?

i think it will suit you you have the right skintone and your green eyes will go well, i dont really agree with your reasons but w/e its your life and your relationship with your mom your putting on the line

I feel like rebelling and dying my hair red. Will it suit me?

i would go for it if it's semi-permanent. it's fun to experiment and it'll come out in a few weeks!

I feel like rebelling and dying my hair red. Will it suit me?

yeah, i think that would look really pretty, but just let me warn you cuz i did die my hair once that even though it says its semi permanent, it lasts a lonnnnnnng time, way longer than ti ssay, and you have a really pretty hair color now, so its up to you. that color would be really pretty but so is your natural one =D

I feel like rebelling and dying my hair red. Will it suit me?


No, disobeying your mum does not suit you! read my profile and you will understand.

I feel like rebelling and dying my hair red. Will it suit me?

definitely. good luck w/ ur mom.

I feel like rebelling and dying my hair red. Will it suit me?

I'm not a big fan of changing hair color, I'm 55 and my daughter's wanted to rebel at that age all kids do. The thing is to make sure you don't go to far.

I feel like rebelling and dying my hair red. Will it suit me?

ya you will look pretty with that color hair

I feel like rebelling and dying my hair red. Will it suit me?

I think the color would look great on you. Honestly it's such a natural color that I don't think it would be considered rebelling. (that and the fact that it is semi permanent). If the color is gonna come off completely you might as well try purple or actually bright red (your hair is dark so the colors aren't gonna pop unless you bleach your hair beforehand.) Since you're using semi permanent it'll all come off anyway. But whatever color you chose you may be able to get on your mom's nerves anyway cuz some semipermanent hair dyes actually dyes the bath tub. :D

I feel like rebelling and dying my hair red. Will it suit me?

When you said red...I was thinking the bright orange type red..But since you added a the pics I can say it's appropriate and would look nice..especially with the med. hair length.

I feel like rebelling and dying my hair red. Will it suit me?

yeah do it

it's gonna look good on you

I feel like rebelling and dying my hair red. Will it suit me?

First, as a mom, I need to stick with the ranks and tell you not to do it. It is our job to be annoying and boss you preteens/teens around because we seriously know better than you, even though you won't believe it or be thankful for it until your mid-20s or later. It's a thankless job. That said...

I don't think it'll look good on you. The shade you posted is a warm shade and your coloring is more suited to something cool, like dark strawberry or even something a bit burgundyish - but not too purple. You could easily go goth style if you really want to rebel - that would suit you appearance-wise.

Your mom's gonna flip if she discovers you posting your picture online. I'd ground my son forever if he did that. That's a lot more dangerous than dying hair.

I feel like rebelling and dying my hair red. Will it suit me?

Dude. You are THIRTEEN.

I'm about to turn 15 and I wouldn't do that.

You might want to now, but your mom could put you through hell for it.

If you can't leave the house for three years, it won't matter anyways.

Trust me, it's not worth it.

Wait a year and see if you still want to dye it.

I've been waiting for 3 years to get red streaks in my hair,

and I want it enough that I'm willing to wait another year for them.

And when you do, go a little darker.

閳?br>I feel like rebelling and dying my hair red. Will it suit me?

My daughter went red and it looked really good on her , she was a blond,when her roots grew out ,she didn't know how to touch it up so she let the color grow out.

I feel like rebelling and dying my hair red. Will it suit me?

that color would look good on you but in a couple days when you're not feeling so bad about mom what are you going to do about your hair? and what are you going to do if it messes up? can't go to mom! wait awhile think things thru and don't be afraid to talk to mom about it again--but you have to be mature to get her to let you dye your hair you can't be boisterous and rude and then expect her to go for it-show her the picture-and speak like a grown up

I feel like rebelling and dying my hair red. Will it suit me?

two tihngs if your getting it done you'll probably need your mom's help and two if you do it yourself it'll look awful and when you said red your mom probably thought you meant red red as in snow white's apple red not the naturual red color

I feel like rebelling and dying my hair red. Will it suit me?

Muy muy bella! 閳?(Very very beautiful!) 閳?br>I feel like rebelling and dying my hair red. Will it suit me?

That's... a really bad reason to be dying your hair, love. Just to rebel? The joke could be on you, you know, if your hair doesn't take to the color.

Despite that, you have the face for red hair. If you really want to go through it, and if you're going to do it yourself, I suggest L'Oreal Feria in Sunset Blaze.

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