Thursday, April 26, 2012

Should I or should I not colour my hair red?

I am thinking a dark copper red for my birthday. Convince me to or not to dye my hair. What will be bad or what will be good? I have green eyes, and beige skin, if that helps...

Should I or should I not colour my hair red?

yeh go for it, it will look nice and will be different

Should I or should I not colour my hair red?


Should I or should I not colour my hair red?

green eyes...

you should keep your hair a dark color dark hair and light eyes looks good

Should I or should I not colour my hair red?

I say go for it -- but i do also say go to a licensed hair specialist to do it -- and if you can afford it, s omeone that specializes in color. My mom colored her hair really red once, and it didn't react well with the type of hair she had so it turned almost purple! So beware -- and get a professional. Hope it helps! Have fun -- I'm sure you'll love being a red head.

Should I or should I not colour my hair red?

Well, I've had my hair just about every color under the sun at one time or another! I think it's fun. Doesn't hurt anyone and it is reversable if you don't like it! Go for it. Happy Birthday!

Should I or should I not colour my hair red?

i think it will look good.....if your hair is orangy red should color it a shade darker than your natural color so it doesnt look to bright and it will deepen the golor a lot...if you are going to do it yourself you should try a simipermanent first....if you dont like it most of it will wash out in about 2 weeks...and if you do like the color you can find it in permanent and keep it up...and if you dont like it you can always cover it up with an ASH brown color...the green in the ask will cancel out the red and you will not be able to see it anymore

Should I or should I not colour my hair red?

well red is EXTREMEMLY hard to get out of your hair. I dyed my hair red like a year ago and i wanted my hair dark again so i dyed it dark brown and went to get higlights, but you could see my red through the highlights...

it was like an orange color... i ended up dying over the higlights becasue it looked horrible..

make sure u want to keep the red for a while otherwise... i wouldn't do it if I were u!

Should I or should I not colour my hair red?

what color is your hair now? it might be helpful if you gave us a pic to look at. some poeple look good with it and some not. if you said you're doing it for your birthday, dont you want it to be something less permanent? maybe go to a hairstylist and find some neat styles so you can still be fab on your b-day ;-)

Should I or should I not colour my hair red?

Go for it! It's your birthday. Go for something wild.

Should I or should I not colour my hair red?

First of all, all white ppl have beige skin and we are all different colours of white that doesnt help. You could say you have an olive complection or a fair with pink undertones things like this come in handy when making these types of decitions. I personaly HATE fake red hair it always looks fake and brassy. So coming form me you would not get a good answer to you question.

Should I or should I not colour my hair red?

It could bring out the yellow tones in your skin. A redhead has very fair skin with pink undertones.

Should I or should I not colour my hair red?

Go for it! It sounds like it would look good with green eyes and light skin... my friend's is that way and I can't imagine her any other way. You need to be who you want to be, plus it's your birthday, you need to do something special for yourself.

Happy Birthday!!!

Should I or should I not colour my hair red?

thats as per ur wish

Should I or should I not colour my hair red?

That would look very pretty you should colour your hair red.

Should I or should I not colour my hair red?

Well it looks that on your avatar your hair is brown, so you could dye it red it you wanted. Your eye color and skin color sounds like it would go great with red hair. However, I can't convince you not to dye it because that's up to you. You might think dying your hair is great and all, but it doesn't really turn out that way.

Here are the bad points of dying your hair:

1) The color might not be exactly how you want it to be

2) The texture of your hair will become very dry

3) Red is the first color to fade when you wash it (if you're out in the sun it will get lighter and dull)

4) You will never get back your original color

Should I or should I not colour my hair red?

I think you should stick with ur natural color, b-cause if you don't keep it up it looks BAD!

Should I or should I not colour my hair red?

YES if you think it'll make you happy! I'm dying mine red in about 15 minutes as soon as I finish doing my chores.

One word of warning from a voice of experience red (and pink, yes I did that on purpose) fade out quickest of all dyed colors, weither done by a pro or out of a box.


Should I or should I not colour my hair red?

HELL YES U SHOULD green eyes and red hair are beautiful together!

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