Thursday, April 26, 2012

Should I dye the bottom layer of my hair red?

I wanted to get my haircut, (with layers all around) and dye the bottom layer red. However, I don't know if my school would like that. Also, would it cost more since I have black hair?

Should I dye the bottom layer of my hair red?

You should dye it red if you like a lot of comments from strangers and stares from small children.

Should I dye the bottom layer of my hair red?

I think that would look really cute!

Should I dye the bottom layer of my hair red?

I say u should b cuz red hair looks hot..and well im planning

to dye my hair red 4rm the bottom i say go for it!

Should I dye the bottom layer of my hair red?

get your hair how you want it! i had red in my hair and the school didnt say anything i also has purple hair aswell!! it wont cost any more with black hair if the school dont like it go in the next day naked

Should I dye the bottom layer of my hair red?

who cares what the school thinks. This isnt a comunist regeme. You can do what you want.

Should I dye the bottom layer of my hair red?

its ur hair so i say go 4 it.

Should I dye the bottom layer of my hair red?

No, I think it'll look silly.

You'll get tired of it anyway.

Should I dye the bottom layer of my hair red?

go for it

Should I dye the bottom layer of my hair red?


you should get 1! thats really nice!! but i know your school whould not lyk dat...

you know my hair is black too and i dyed my hair brown... i also had copper gold and red highlights... well, me and my classmates think its really cool suddenly, almost all of our teachers got mad at me for having these...

im really sorry to tell... but you cant do it...cuz u might pay the salon twice the payment because of dying it red at the bottom and putting it back to black because of the teachers...

u can dye it but not the color thats really noticable lyk dark brown

and it wouldn't cost more

Should I dye the bottom layer of my hair red?

You could do that or do like a black, red, and brown highlights combo. That'd be cool!

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