Thursday, April 26, 2012

Need some help here - Hair got dyed red and now it's striped?

Just spent a bunch of money at a salon to get my hair recolored red. My hair was naturally red but is growing gray (sigh) and they were also touching up the roots. I helped her pick the color I wanted - a bright red (it fades so fast) and she did the roots first. I was the only one in the shop and her boss came in and met with my hair lady in a back room and I think they forgot me. It was on the roots for 45 min. She finally came back and ran it thru the rest of my hair and it was for 17 min.

End result is that I have bright copper orange roots (about 3 in.) and the rest of my hair is an ok darker red. It's ok but not great. The lady never admitted to blame but said I could come back and she would put another rinse on it if I wanted to.

What should I do? Go back and get the rinse? Could that make it worse? Will it wash out maybe in a few days?

I'm not one to freak out about my hair. It isn't that big a deal to me but I don't want to look like a clown either. THANKS!!

Need some help here - Hair got dyed red and now it's striped?

I would talk to the salon owner about the problem and see what can be done about it. It may fade out in a few days but then again maybe it will still look striped so yes I would go back and get it fixed. And there is nothing wrong with freaking out about your hair, it is a bag part of who we are and the image we project.

Need some help here - Hair got dyed red and now it's striped?

Thanks for your help. The thing is is that I don't freak out. guess i'm still ticked about the comment about how I should freak about the real problems in the world and be grateful...yada yada yada

Thanks, all , for your help - i appreciate the yahoo community support! Report It

Need some help here - Hair got dyed red and now it's striped?

Go back and do the rinse if you don't like it make her fix your hair at no charge til it looks the way you like. Call the Manger if you have to.

Need some help here - Hair got dyed red and now it's striped?

You should go back and let her fix it. And do not pay a penny for it. If it's still not fixed, you can get all the color stripped out and re-colored, but that's REALLY damaging to your hair.

Need some help here - Hair got dyed red and now it's striped?

Oh, if only all of our problems were this small.

Go back and get the second rinse, before the offer goes away.

And you might wait till after Halloween. Just kidding.

Hey lady. Aren't you glad you at least HAVE HAIR??? Or can even have good health so you can think this, like not have Alzheimers?

Ever hear of gratitude for life? If you look like a clown, at least you don't have to put out so much for a costume. You can say it's for Halloween.

Need some help here - Hair got dyed red and now it's striped?

OMG! i would so go back and probably get a diffrent color or get it redone it sounds like a reck no affence but i think i would have cried cuz i cant stand for my hair to look like crap! sorry but i would go back!

Need some help here - Hair got dyed red and now it's striped?

First off, id seek some compensation.I wouldnt suggest going back to a salon.Ive been dying my hair for over half of my life, the last 10 ive been doing it myself.The easiest fix would be a glaze or Sebastian's colourshines.Its a professional stain which you can buy off the internet.It will correct your color and not harm your hair but make it healthier.In the future, using only this will give you dramatic long lasting color and excellent gray coverage without changing your hair.It will really give your red ahir a boost.I suggest redality for that bright copper red.

Need some help here - Hair got dyed red and now it's striped?

OMG!!!! The same exact thing happened to me on Saturday. I went to the salon to get my hair colored back to my natural color, dark auburn, I had highlights and was way too blonde. The colorist and I picked out a color close to my natural color. When it was time to get cut and blown out I nearly cried. My roots were BRIGHT ORANGE and the ends were a nice red. I have colored my own hair in the past so I ran to the drug store and bought Nice n Easy Light Ash Brown. Put that on for 25 minutes and I love the color. It is a dark auburn and I have gotten quite a few compliments at work.....I was even called a "Hot Mama"!

Good luck to you!

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