Monday, April 16, 2012

Tan skin, dying hair red? w/ pics!! opinion/advice wanted?

This is the color of my skin and the way my hair orginally was dyed:

This is now the cut of my hair:

my hair has now faded to this:

I have to dye it often to keep my hair from fading.. i wanted it an ash brown/ash blond color. but the red in my hair keeps coming back. I don't like the color it fades to, and i want something different. So, i thought maybe i could give into the red, and go auburn. like this color:


1. Would it look good/ go with my skin tone?

2. Would it be easy to dye and manage?

3. If so, How many times would I have to dye it?

4. Any other suggestions.

Tan skin, dying hair red? w/ pics!! opinion/advice wanted?

I think that color would look really good with your skin tone, but red seems to fade faster than other colors. I used to dye my hair blonde/brunette/aubergine and the aubergine (dark red) would be the first color to fade. Good news is it faded to a brunette-like color so it wasn't bad.

I'd say you should give it a shot, and if it fades quick just cover it up with a medium brown.

Tan skin, dying hair red? w/ pics!! opinion/advice wanted?

Honestly, you look really orange - it seems unnatural.

Easy to dye, easy to manage but not easy to upkeep. That red fades really quickly, I have used it myself.

Probably would have to dye it every 3 months or so which can be a pain.

Tan skin, dying hair red? w/ pics!! opinion/advice wanted?

just be yourself. dont try to look like anyone else. learn to love who you are.

Tan skin, dying hair red? w/ pics!! opinion/advice wanted?

I don't think it would go good with your skin tone. I am a red head and I have always wanted tan sin but the auburn isn't the color for u. Maybe a dark brown color. Hope that helps :)

Tan skin, dying hair red? w/ pics!! opinion/advice wanted?

I think your hair color looks really pretty the way it is, even though it is hard to manage because your real hair color keeps showing up. I think the color you want is going to be a bad mix.

Tan skin, dying hair red? w/ pics!! opinion/advice wanted?

bleach your hair then dye it

Tan skin, dying hair red? w/ pics!! opinion/advice wanted?

I like the color of Lindsay Lohans natural color

Tan skin, dying hair red? w/ pics!! opinion/advice wanted?

I love it! You look like a sexy Oommpa Loompa. That is HOT!!

Tan skin, dying hair red? w/ pics!! opinion/advice wanted?

I think that the auburn color would look fine with your skin tone, in fact if you had really light skin I would say be careful with red. Since you have red tint in your hair already it should be easy to dye and keep up with it. Get a kit that can do you roots after you get it dyed so that you just have to touch up the roots. I don't think you will have the same problem with dying it soo many times if you go towards more of an auburn color.

Tan skin, dying hair red? w/ pics!! opinion/advice wanted?


1. you're skin tone is really nice but it def wouldn't look good if u dyed ur hair hair red. it's too rich and dark. i would go for a different shade like auburn. so basically red and brown but the red shouldn't be too dark and the brown shoukd overpower it a little, maybe with ash blonde highlights.

2. it would be quite easy if u go to a salon and have it done there, i'm sure u could do it urself too but u would have to find the perfect shade.

3. i'm not sure sorry.

4. i would def recommend ash blonde highlights.

good luck!

Tan skin, dying hair red? w/ pics!! opinion/advice wanted?

r u sound confuesed but you no what u want am a hair dresser so i would think that that colour would look fab on you i like reds , and as for it fadeing colours will always fade the best way to keep it looking shiny an new the first time you colour would be 2 use a permanant tint as you get regrowth do your roots in permanant tint 4 the time required an at the same time do your ends in a semi permanant confusein i know in the mean time yous anti colour fade shampoos and stuf like that. good luck

Tan skin, dying hair red? w/ pics!! opinion/advice wanted?

I think that your hair would be good dark red or brown. Do not go light with dark skin. Not pretty!

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