Monday, April 16, 2012

Problem:hair isn't taking to hair dye. Color:Red, faded in half, other half came completely out

foil highlights about a year ago, after about 6 months of highlights I dyed it at home, dark brown, and it didn't take, recently I had it professionaly done red and it only took to half of my hair and the other half it came out, I know that red fades but it DIDN"T TAKE, I explained to the hair dresser my situation because someone had mentioned needing a filler but she used nothing, after a week the dye faded and came out so now i'm stuck with half my hair red, the other half light brown, and blonde tips where my highlights have grown out, I'm unsure about going to a salon because of the money and I don't know if theres anything that will work, if I try to take my hair lighter do you think that will work?

Problem:hair isn't taking to hair dye. Color:Red, faded in half, other half came completely out, what do i do

If you don't want to go to the salon again, try this.

Go to your local beauty supply store and purchase "red out". It's a tiny vial of purple liquid. Then go to your local discount or drug store and purchase Clairal Nice N Easy. Get a light or medium natural brown shade. Follow the instructions, when you mix everything in the bottle add the "red out". Dye your hair.

You'll end up with a brown color, then wait for several weeks before you change the color again.

If you have any doubts call the Clairol hotline on the side of the box. They are very helpful, they are free and they aren't getting paid $100 for you to keep coming back, so the advise will be more genuine.


Problem:hair isn't taking to hair dye. Color:Red, faded in half, other half came completely out, what do i do

Leave the dye in longer.

Problem:hair isn't taking to hair dye. Color:Red, faded in half, other half came completely out, what do i do

i had the same problem and a hairdresser friend told me it was my shampoo - at the time i was using the fructis - he said you can't use shampoos with additives in them before you color and I would go back to the hairdresser and make her fix it if you told her ahead of time

Problem:hair isn't taking to hair dye. Color:Red, faded in half, other half came completely out, what do i do

Go back to the salon you had it done at and explain it did not take right. Your hair stylist should take care of it for free if it has not been too long. If you want to keep red you will have to purchase a shampoo for red colors to keep it shiny. Sounds like your hair is very porous and dry. Try conditioning it with a GOOD conditioner apply mostly to your ends, have your ends trimmed. If your hair is too dry color will just run through them. Try to put on a semi permanent hair color on that matches your natural color STAY AWAY from ASH. Apply it to the mid shaft of the strand first, then to the scalp area, then your ends.

Good Luck

Problem:hair isn't taking to hair dye. Color:Red, faded in half, other half came completely out, what do i do

I suggest you just leave your hair that way and live with it for a while.

Just keep oiling hair before washing and nourish it.

Hair will be a ruin with chemicals.

Alternative is to take a temporary dye [check the stores] and color it darker. Till this red fades out.

Follow instructions.

BTW I saw an episode on Judge Judy. I think your hairdresser did not do a proper job.

Wish you best.

Problem:hair isn't taking to hair dye. Color:Red, faded in half, other half came completely out, what do i do

Go back to the salon where you got your done at ask to speak to the owner/manager and explain the situation to them. They should fix your hair for free, i would ask them for suggestions about what is best for your hair to keep from ruining it more. Then LEAVE YOUR HAIR ALONE FOR A LONG TIME let it heal or it will start falling out (i'm not kidding)

Problem:hair isn't taking to hair dye. Color:Red, faded in half, other half came completely out, what do i do

You should call the salon and speak to the manager. You can have them redo the color by someone else in salon. Yes, this does need to be filled. To be fair if you have waited a month, you just need to have it redone but at your cost. All red will fade. Especially given the fact of what is underneath the red. You also should not shampoo again after color is removed for 24-48 hours. Use only shampoo designed for color treated hair. Do not go in sun, tanning beds or over shampoo. Wear a hat in the sun or hair sunscreen. You have a responsibility for the after care and the colorist has a responsibility to do the job properly in the first place.

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