Monday, April 16, 2012

I can't get the red out of my hair, any suggestions?

I read all the questions I could find when searched, but none really fit mine, so here's mine...

I dyed my hair red, because I change my color often and had never tried red before. (naturally have medium brown) At first I loved it, so I added more red coloring when it started to fade, which made it look like a dark blood red color. Now my husband who is currently in iraq is coming home and I can not show up to his homecoming with my hair this color. So I tried dying brown over it and it didnt work...tried black...nothing...its still blood red. I have really thick hair and it usually takes about 8 hours to get my hair corrected at a hair salon and seeing how I have 2 kids that is not option since my husband isnt here to watch them. I just don't want my hair blood red anymore. Any suggestions?

I can't get the red out of my hair, any suggestions?

cold water will make it fade faster and they also have shampoos that help take the color out..


I can't get the red out of my hair, any suggestions?

DON'T ADD MORE COLOR! Red is one of the hardest colors to get both in AND out of your hair...but don't add more - the more you pile on the worse the problem gets...

What you need to do is start washing your hair with a low quality shampoo (or even Dawn dish soap) as many times as you can tolerate. This will get the color to fade, but it won't be an instantanious thing, it may take a few weeks.

I can't get the red out of my hair, any suggestions?


I can't get the red out of my hair, any suggestions?

im not sure if this will help but you could bleach it then dye it the color u like

I can't get the red out of my hair, any suggestions?

You could try bleaching it and then dying it. The bleach will probably get rid of the red

I can't get the red out of my hair, any suggestions?

I did that once, and had to go blond afterwards. Red is almost impossible to get out or cover up well. I'd see a professional no matter how long it takes or how much you have to pay a sitter, because you're just going to end up overprocessing your hair, and it will be damaged and maybe even fall out. You don't want hubby to come home to that!

I can't get the red out of my hair, any suggestions?

Wash your hair with dish soap, like joy. it strips the color out. do that till it is faded enough, then color it a new color. if you are able to though, go to a salon...

I can't get the red out of my hair, any suggestions?

your hair sounded like my hair.. I colored my hair alot and faded so fast and didn't take color and looked horrible only thing I could do was cut it all off :( but I am guessing its permanent and it won't wash out. but you can only fade it or color over it which is hard and cost alot. I would suggest calling a salon or stop by and see their opinion

I can't get the red out of my hair, any suggestions?

keep washing it everyday alot with water

I can't get the red out of my hair, any suggestions?

Red is the hardest color to remove from your hair. If you continue to dye your hair with boxed colors the you get at the drugstore it is just going to continue to get worse, so stop now!

The best bet is to wash your hair multiple times with a really harsh shampoo like head and shoulders or Pert and let it sit in your hair for a long time. With luck this will fade out a lot of the color that you have put into it. When you have faded the color a little, then you can put a color over it, that has no ammonia (Clairol's Natural Instincts)in an ash brown shade. This should do the trick, but as the color fades out you will have to redo it. After all of this be sure to put a good conditioner on your hair such as Joico Moisturizer.

I can't get the red out of my hair, any suggestions?

you need to add green. strange, i know. but when yu're dealing with hair colour, if theres a colour you're trying to get rid of, you add it's complementary colour. as green is the complementary colour to red, that would be the most appropriate colour. before you give it a shot though, use baby shampoo or volumizing shampoo to fade out the red (they take the least mercy on colour!), and then give it a shot.

if you use a brown colour, make sure you arent using a warm shade of brown, because youre adding red back into your hair. warm browns have red undertones. you want the opposite, which would be ash (cool tones).

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