Monday, April 16, 2012

Dying medium brown hair red without bleaching?

I have medium brown hair (not dark at all) with natural copper/orangey highlights. I want to dye my hair bright red (not natural red) but I really want to avoid bleaching/pre-lightening. The dye I bought is Manic Panic's Pillarbox Red. Can anyone explain or show me a picture of how medium brown hair dyed bright red without bleaching might turn out, or offer suggestions on how to make it brighter/more vibrant?

Right now my hair is relaxed, so I want to avoid using a lot more chemicals (my reason for not wanting to bleach)

Dying medium brown hair red without bleaching?

haha, i totally just did this

the lighter parts will turn out more red, but the brown part will turn a kinda.. rasberry chocolate color. i've got pics of mine if you want them.

(it won't let me paste them in the box)

Dying medium brown hair red without bleaching?

for a BRIGHT red? I'm pretty sure you would have to bleach for that.

Dying medium brown hair red without bleaching?

Most color dyes you have to bleach/prelighten. Use Color Rays (I think thats what its called). You don't have to lighten your hair at all because it's made for dark hair. I think its for highlights though, but if you buy enough you can do your fullhead.

Dying medium brown hair red without bleaching?

honestly when you use manic panic if you want to really have that pillbox red (which btw, is their best color) you have to bleach out your hair. not a good idea if you have chemically relaxed or "ethnic" hair. baaaaad idea, sorry i know how tempting it is. I have dyed my hair w/manic panic several times, and a few times i have used it over my natural hair color. it's just not as intense and brightly colored all the way thru. I would call your local beauty supply. ask them if you can use a developer like 10 or 20 volume with the manic panic?? good luck hope it turns out for ya! :)

Dying medium brown hair red without bleaching?

Well, Manic Panic isn't the best thing to use for semi permanent dye (which is the only thing you should put on your hair if you have it straightened). You can apply the color over what you have now, and it'll likely be gone within two weeks, probably less since it's red. The color won't be as bright red, but it will still be pretty intense because your hair color isn't light. Go to Manic Panic's website, they used to show "swatches" of what the color will look like depending whether you have light, medium, or dark hair.

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