I am considering putting bright red streaks into my hair, which is dark brown with a bit of black. (when I say bright red I mean like manic panic red. as red as it gets. Head turning red)
also, I had streaks of copper/red because I had it professionally done a normal red and that faded to copper.
I am wanting to dye it at home, because my salon charges a huge amount to dye it there.
Should I bleach streaks of my hair before I dye it? Or just put some in without bleaching?
Dying dark hair red?
umm.. i'm a cosmetogist in training and if your hair is a dark brown, then you should bleach it first. b/c jus putting it on your natural hair won't do anything for you. you will get a red tone, but not the red tone you want. the only way you'll strip out your hair is using box color to do it. you need to at least get a good product that salons use so you won't damage your hair.
Dying dark hair red?
i actually did that just recently.
you should just choose a brighter color than you want, then it'll show up a little darker when it dries and everything.
Dying dark hair red?
If your hair is dark brown, yes bleach the streaks to lighten your hair color, or the color won't show up well.
Dying dark hair red?
ys you can but u have too bleach your hair if you have dark hair
Dying dark hair red?
I would just go to the store get some of that hair dying kit stuff and put it in. Don't bother bleaching it.
Dying dark hair red?
Well honestly bleaching is the last thing you should think about trust me no matter what people say that crap rips your hair apart anyways i would do layers i got my hair to blonde after dying it with black from layers yeah it takes time but its not as messy as bleaching and having to keep up with damaged hair so just put streaks in it wait 3 weeks do it again you know? i used to dye my hair alot but i have blonde hair but im pretty sure it will work
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