Saturday, May 5, 2012

I have medium brown/red hair. is it ok to dye it black?

my natural color is medium brown. about a month ago, i dyed it a reddish color. so now my hair is reddish brown. i really want to dye it black, but im unsure of how it would look. my skin color is fair and i have a tan so im not really white but some people say i will look goth and un natural, but others say it would look nice. any suggestions? also does anyone know whrere i can find a semi permanet hair dye that is black but purplish looking in the light?

I have medium brown/red hair. is it ok to dye it black?

if i had fair skin i would stay away from black dye. although you have a tan now once the summer is over it will fade and if you dont already look gothic you might start to as your tan diminishes. also black hair dye has a tendency to look almost bluish in certain lights creating a very fake look. at least that's only what i have personally observed. instead of black you might want to try a deep bronzed brown which looks lovely with tan skin and natural with fair skin.

if you still want the black dye try cvs or target, i'm sure i've seen it there.

hope this helps!

I have medium brown/red hair. is it ok to dye it black?

carefull you dont want to have short black hair looking like ELVIS!

I have medium brown/red hair. is it ok to dye it black?

you shoud find a dark purple then in the dark it looks black but in light it looks purple. but i thing it would look cool.

I have medium brown/red hair. is it ok to dye it black?

If you are going with the GOTH LOOK, yeah! However, if you are olive-skinned anything you do will bring out the red even more. Go to a professional!

I have medium brown/red hair. is it ok to dye it black?

well my friend had blonde hair and died it black she looked great just make shure it is done by a profesional because i let my sis turn my hair black it turned a brown color

I have medium brown/red hair. is it ok to dye it black?

well honestly i think that natural is the way to go

I have medium brown/red hair. is it ok to dye it black?

black is a harsh color but it could work.all beauty supply stores have semi permanent color. the only thing with black dye is that it's hard to dye over so if you dye it black plan to keep it that way for a while.

I have medium brown/red hair. is it ok to dye it black?

i think it would look good. the only prblem with dyeing it black is that the color can't be lifted. if you decide you don't like it later, you have to wait for it to fade. if you want to go that dark to see how it looks, you should dye it the darkest brown you can find. then you'll know how you look with really dark hair, but you can still change it if you don't like it.

I have medium brown/red hair. is it ok to dye it black?

well if you dye it with a natural black (NOT A BLUE BLACK) color, your HAIR should come out fine, only thing I would worry about is the fact that your skin is so light. You may end up looking more like morticia than you ever wanted to.

I have medium brown/red hair. is it ok to dye it black?


You can dye your hair any color you want, because it's your hair.

But be careful in choosing the right kind of product to dye your hair, and the blacks you choose.

Some blacks make your hair look like it has a tint of blue in it, which usually indicates that you are naturally not a black headed person.

Try using hair dye like Loreal, or Natural match.. Natural Match is about $10.99. It's alittle pricy, but makes your hair looking sleek and natural. Even Feria is a pretty good one. But I would go with Natural Match.

I have medium brown/red hair. is it ok to dye it black?

its ok but intead of black, u can dye it a dark brown! that way later it will be easier to change the color up if u decide to! and it wont be to DARK and it lightens a little! i use to use a blue black but i only use dark brown now!

but a black purplish color! def. u can go to sallys! they have plenty of plum colors! i use them a lot in my hair! but make sure when u go get the proper mixing products and an applicator bottle! it u mix exact the color will come out exact!

but for best results i wold just go to your hairsylist!

ALSO u guys! store bought dyes are not good for your hair! they leave coating to your hair and they are metalkic dyes! they will also as it fades out u will have spots! IF U JUST GO TO SAllys and spend the same amount that suff is used by professionals! STORE BOUGHT dyes are salts! no go!

I have medium brown/red hair. is it ok to dye it black?

I dye my hair black and it is mediun brown with red. My father has jet black hair (well With grey now) and my mother has dirty blonde. My hair took to the black pretty well. And in all honesty I use one of the cheaper hair dyes. I use Colorsilk by Revlon. I have had it this color for almost 6 years. I love it and think that I may always keep it this color. Here is a pic of me with my hair all black, shortly after one time that I touched up the roots. also, I do have a fair complexion, well I'll just let ya see it. Hope it helps

I have medium brown/red hair. is it ok to dye it black?

don't dye it black. black hair dye pretty much kills hair and makes it gross. when it starts coming out, it will look really weird too. just stay away from black. try dark brown.

I have medium brown/red hair. is it ok to dye it black?

i went through the same thing and i did end up dying it black all the guys seem to like it but the girls dont so much. if your going to dye it black i suggest doing a natural black cuz the other blacks are jus too black and will make you look a little toooo gothic trust me i already went through the process

I have medium brown/red hair. is it ok to dye it black?

Manic Panic Purple Haze

It probably will take forever to wear off and stain your current color. Any changes afterwards would HAVE to be professional.

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