Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Where did red hair originate from? Was it the Scots?

I've noticed theres more red heads in scotland than anywhere else

Where did red hair originate from? Was it the Scots?

Some of the European tribes can be tribes can be traced through to Middle Eastern and Asian sources. It is not uncommon to see the flaming red hair in people from this heritage. It is also seen amongst Jewish people whose tribes originate in the same area.

The first wave of the Celtic invasion, circa 600BC, occurred in the area we now call Ireland.

These people were from Iberia (Southern Spain) and were generally dark haired, like the present natives of that area.These people settled in the western extremity of the Atlantic Archipelago.

The second wave of the Celtic invasion came around 400BC, these tribes came from further North, France and Belgium, and they settled in mainland Britain. From the accounts of Romans at the time, these people were fairer in appearance.

Apart from trading etc. the tribes seemed to stick

to their own areas.

When the Romans invade Britain many of these people are pushed to the extremities of the mainland giving us what we think of as the Celtic territories now.

The red hair seems to be strongest from the darker haired tribes and these were settled in Ireland the Western Isles and later the West Coast of Scotland. About 1500-1000 years ago an Irish tribe called the Scots dominated the North Western extermity the mainland this then became called Scotland.

The people of the first invasion spoke the Gallic tongue, the people of the second wave spoke Brythonic. These then give us the Gaelic, Welsh,etc. tongues. The Scottish language did an about turn from the Brythonic, when the Irish tribes dominated in later years.

This is why the red haired gene was most prevelant in these areas of the British Isles and Ireland.

Where did red hair originate from? Was it the Scots?

Maybe in Ireland too.

Where did red hair originate from? Was it the Scots?


Where did red hair originate from? Was it the Scots?


Where did red hair originate from? Was it the Scots?

I am not sure but I am part Irish and I have red hair. Also, some carribean and bahemian people have red hair. Good question though

Where did red hair originate from? Was it the Scots?

i went out with a girl with a red head. she had no hair just a red head =)

Where did red hair originate from? Was it the Scots?

Red hair is a typically Celtic feature, so you get a lot of red headed Scots, Irish, Welsh and northern Europeans. My hair is brown/blond, but I have a red beard, so there must have been a Celt in the woodpile somewhere back.

Where did red hair originate from? Was it the Scots?

It was probably a mutation that originated in the Celts. However, there are those who think it came from the Neanderthals, though this is an unpopular view.

Where did red hair originate from? Was it the Scots?

As far as I'm aware it's from the Vikings

They did a lot of pillaging and the rest of the stuff that goes with it around the UK

Where did red hair originate from? Was it the Scots?

I don't know.. but red heads... corrrrr.. *dribbles*

Where did red hair originate from? Was it the Scots?

Nay. 'Tis th' Tabasco sauce what gets 'em in a Tizzy, m'lady.

Where did red hair originate from? Was it the Scots?

er, its down to the vikings...

Where did red hair originate from? Was it the Scots?

the Celts, and the vikings. Red heads are everywhere, its just that everywhere else, accept in Scotland it seems, they dye it another colour... shame really as some of them do have a really nice dark auburn tone which I think is nice.

Where did red hair originate from? Was it the Scots?

Honestly- it's lack of melanin. It is a very ancient trait from Ice Age people. True- look at the woolly mammoth.

Where did red hair originate from? Was it the Scots?

the Celts

Where did red hair originate from? Was it the Scots?

It`s a Celtic thing - Gaelic blood is still more prevalent in Scotland and Ireland than Saxon

Where did red hair originate from? Was it the Scots?

Well, Phoenicians in the Mediterranean were noted for the their fiery red hair. It was such a status symbol that women began using henna to imitate them. The Phoenicians were sea going people so it is possible that they reached the northern isles.

Even today women use henna as a way of coloring their hair.

Where did red hair originate from? Was it the Scots?

I would agree with an overall Northern European Heritage. Ireland and Scotland of course, but there are a lot of Redheads that have come from Russia and the Baltics also.

Where did red hair originate from? Was it the Scots?

Who knows where red hair originated. We have the Bible story of Esau who was alledged to be Red Headed so red hair must have been in the Holy Land area 4000 years ago.

Where did red hair originate from? Was it the Scots?

Have you been to Ireland?

It might be genetic remnants of pre-celtic tribes that lived in what are now Britain and Ireland.

Where did red hair originate from? Was it the Scots?

Actually, Celts were reported as being red heads in some cases by Roman writers, while the Bayuwari down in Bavaria were likewise said to be ginger nuts.

Where did red hair originate from? Was it the Scots?

maybe the Scandinavians

Where did red hair originate from? Was it the Scots?

That is hard to say. Red hair is common among the Scots and Irish but was also found among the Vikings (that's how Erik the Red got his name)

It is a trait not normally found in non-white people, but whether it originated specifically among the Gaels rather than the Celts is one of those questions whose answer is speculative at best.

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