Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Now that i dye my hair red...?

what colour should i tint my eyebrows?

my hair is auburn, maybe slightly redder, and fairly light, so i'm not too sure what to make my eyebrows. they are mid blond naturally. not sure if i should go brown or not.


Now that i dye my hair red...?

Just darken them a bit with a light brown eyebrow pencil. Tinting is bad news, it made my friend's eyebrows look like caterpillars ;-)

Now that i dye my hair red...?

I like eyebrows just the way they are.

Now that i dye my hair red...?

DON'T colour your eyebrows!!!! leave them as they are they will look fine and nobody will ever know, as opposed to if you colour them they will look horrid and everyone will know =0)

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