Saturday, May 5, 2012

I have long red hair and I get pulled over alot?.....?

But I never get a ticket? Is there a connection? They usaully say something like you did not make a complete stop at the stop sign or that I swerved or once that I was driving too slow? Whats up[. My mom thinks I should cut or dye my hair as it draws attention.Cops wouldnt pull me over just to see if Im cute would they?

I have long red hair and I get pulled over alot?.....?

I used to be a cop. You are getting pulled over because you were driving badly. You were let go because it was minor, your papers and stickers were current, and you had no warrants.

Don't let you ego get to you. I've let 60 year old 300 lb women off with a warning.

I have long red hair and I get pulled over alot?.....?

"Cops wouldnt pull me over just to see if Im cute would they?"

That would be my guess. There IS something about long red hair

I have long red hair and I get pulled over alot?.....?

Yes; they would. But by the same token, you're also not getting a ticket out of the deal.

If you change your hair, you may just end up with whatever ticket they were originally going to issue you.

It's a trade off, yes. But, I'd keep the hair. Better to avoid fines. If they chose to let you off after seeing you're cute, that's on them.

I have long red hair and I get pulled over alot?.....?

Of course they are pulling you over to see if you are cute. That's what cops do all ady, wait around for ciute chicks to pull over and impress with heir official outfits and all. Either that or you should learn to drive a bit better.

I have long red hair and I get pulled over alot?.....?

I don't pull over somebody based upon their appearance...I pull them over for violating a traffic law.

Your appearance does not get you out of a ticket, your demeanor and courtesy do provided the infraction is minor. That's called "officer discretion!"

I have long red hair and I get pulled over alot?.....?

No, we do not. Our jobs are worth looking at possibly attractive women. Maybe you are getting pulled over cause you break the law? You are being stopped for what we call contact. Anything that is illegal gives up right to pull you over. Most police wont write summons for it, but it is a chance to check out the car and its occupents. I say, obey the law and dont get pulled over.

I have long red hair and I get pulled over alot?.....?

Wow, you are so lucky, getting pulled over all the time and not getting tickets. That never happens to me. Oh wait a minute, I follow the law, so I don't get pulled over. Maybe you should become a better driver, perhaps take a class.

I have long red hair and I get pulled over alot?.....?

I apologize for negating your "cute" theory, but here's what's really happening:

You're a bad driver who's committing forgivable traffic offenses.

ANYONE with a minor traffic offense gets off without a ticket if they're nice about being pulled over... Even a big hairy man.

I have long red hair and I get pulled over alot?.....?

I don't even have time to see if the person is male or female. you see a blue honda run a stop sign. other than that, I am to busy getting ready to stop you to pay attention or even care whether you are male or female, blonde or bald, blue, green or purple skinned. maybe you are just polite and admit your guilt so they give you a warning. looks don't get you anything, but politeness and apologies will.

I have long red hair and I get pulled over alot?.....?

Well, guys do have a weakness for Redheads. "Here's to swimming with Redheaded women!", the old saying goes! :)

My first crush occurred when I was in the 6th grade -- she was a senior cheerleader who happened to be a Redhead!

I have long red hair and I get pulled over alot?.....?

Get over yourself. I would say maybe so...if you were a blonde.... but a redhead? Come on!!

No seriously, you are obviously driving like an idiot and they are just letting you know....

I have long red hair and I get pulled over alot?.....?

Yes they would. they can do what ever they want and there is NOTHING you can do about it. If you try it's called resisting arrest.

I have long red hair and I get pulled over alot?.....?

You can sell your long hair at:

I have long red hair and I get pulled over alot?.....?

Beauty profiling

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