Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I get teased for having red hair and i dont know what to do :(?

i hate it

im considering dying my hair brown like i've done before

i feel so unconfident with my hair

and it seems like no one will ever like me because they're all so shallow and go for blondes or brunettes only

should i dye my hair?

help pleaaase :(

I get teased for having red hair and i dont know what to do :(?

Hey, I have red hair and it's awesome, I love it. Who cares what others think, if you asked 100 men on the street I bet a large number of them would say they love red heads. My sister in law is ginger, and I mean ginger, and she turns heads when she walks down the street because she holds her head up high and oozes confidence. Smile, hold you head high and remember people grow out of being immature and there are plenty of men here who love red hair. Don't dye it!

I get teased for having red hair and i dont know what to do :(?

change the color of ur hair.....:)

I get teased for having red hair and i dont know what to do :(?

Noway!,your beautiful the way you are..theres tons of guys that like redheads! you've just got to choose them wisely but most likely theyll come to you

I get teased for having red hair and i dont know what to do :(?

uhm im 17 and currently my hair is pink orange and yellow and highschools a bi@%h and i have a bf and friends who love me for me not my hair color

keep your red hair if u like it and f*%26amp;! them

do your makeup amazing it'll make them envy you more.

when people make fun of you its because there jealous

I get teased for having red hair and i dont know what to do :(?

tell them red hair is a gift, not many people have naturally red hair, i know mine isnt...lol, but just tell them its a gift, i think if red hair looks good on you then leave it. its a gift

I get teased for having red hair and i dont know what to do :(?

Sweetie, I'm a platinum blonde naturaly and i dye my hair a dark red... if anything, dye it from the red it is now to a nice dark dark violet red.. a little more purple-y red thats off the line of natual red but still you... if you still dont wanna do the red, and it really makes you uncomfortable in your hair then dye it... if *YOU* like it keep it... if they don't like it and tease you about it oh well.. its their problem. What matters is what you think when you look in the mirror.... if it really bothers you then go for it... :)

I get teased for having red hair and i dont know what to do :(?

Red hair is sooo hot...what are you talking about!! Ariel, Jesica rabbit, the list goes on!!! Poeple tease you becasue they somehow feel inadequate with themsleves!! Believe me. I was teased a lot in school. Even bullied. I am a model now. And for a while I had red hair. Dont dye your hair, it will just show that the bullies win!

I get teased for having red hair and i dont know what to do :(?

You're a redhead,so your different and thats cool !!!!! Who wants to b blonde anyone ?? My grandma had gorgeous red hair and she was very beautiful and also the only redhead in her fam. Just b proud to b unique and original.

I get teased for having red hair and i dont know what to do :(?

First of all - how old are you? Because only immature people are afraid of other people's opinions. Of course there are older people who are insecure too...

Secondly, do you know what happens when you dye your hair? The roots grow out and you will have your red roots shown every month and people still think you're a redhead.

Thridly - RED HAIR ROCKS!!! Don't mind what others say about your red hair!!! It is awesome and don't think in other way! Because there are LOTS of mean people in the world and now they're teasing you for red hair, next time they will tease you for your knowledge or something! There is no such person in the world that EVERYBODY like him/her!! So don't worry, you will find someone who will love you, no matter with red hair or not! Just be yourself, don't mind what others say and be happy! and if you think you'll be happier with other color hair, you're WRONG! Because you won't be happier!

Still if you're going to dye your hair, try some warm shade, like mahogany or copper brown. . .

Good luck hon, let me know how are you.. ;)

I get teased for having red hair and i dont know what to do :(?

I ffffn love girls with red hair...I bet you are beautiful.......I would love to see a picture of you....Almost all the girls I go out with have red hair....Be proud you are unique...Don't change a thing.


I get teased for having red hair and i dont know what to do :(?

if you really hate your hair then gets brown steaks brown as in more in the reddish section though darker are or a nice blonde an wear mascara so ur eyelashes arent blonde an people will like you just show them who you are and try to talk to them

I get teased for having red hair and i dont know what to do :(?

Don't change yourself because people make fun of you.Redheads can be gorgeous and I know a lot of guys who love girls with red hair.Don't let jealous people change who you are.I bet you're beautiful and when you start acting more confident about your beauty they'll stop teasing you.If they see it's getting to you they'll keep doing.Hold your head up high.You're different and being different is good.Almost everyone is brunette or blonde these days.Don't you want to be unique?People change things about themselves all the time to look more unique but you have it naturally.Be confident.

I get teased for having red hair and i dont know what to do :(?

I've been a red head all my life so I feel for you-As I got older the guy's changed their tune,the girls are all jealous.Welcome to our world .My favorite nick name to hate was Strawberry Freckle face ,followed close by Pipi,then of course there were the others, Red,Carrot top,Blood Head,Carrie(after the Movie),Lucy,I don't know where they got Poodle --yeah you have an Idea.Color if your parents will let you,or let it go in one ear and out the other.We red heads are smart and sexy!!!!Red Heads have more fire!!!

I get teased for having red hair and i dont know what to do :(?

i dont get it i would kill to get red hair.....mann u r lucky..

but if u reallly really want to only then dye ur hair otherwise just dont give those shallow minded freaks who tease u a d*** and go on with ur lfe.......and no guy in his right mind should care what colour ur hair is to care for u

if he doesnt ike u with red hair he is not THE guy

I get teased for having red hair and i dont know what to do :(?

red hair is totally badass! im thinking of dying my hair red! red hair makes you different from everyone else, because brown and blonde is soooooooooo common! keep it the way it is, people are going to judge regardless, its human nature.

I get teased for having red hair and i dont know what to do :(?

Look in the mirror see how beautiful you are and act accordingly. If there are people that don't like the color of your hair; so what? Who are they? Do these people even have鑱?a hint that you dyed your hair before because of them? Cause if they do they are enjoying themselves. I know quite a few guys that drool over redheads so don't worry about anyone never being attracted to you.

I get teased for having red hair and i dont know what to do :(?

I am a man. I love red heads. I know all my friends just adore red heads. My knees go weak and I just melt in front of red heads.

It's like this - human nature is such that you are always longing for something you are not and fail to see the beautiful thing you always had. Weight loss/weight gain is another such example. People are never happy with the way they look.

Those who tease you are jealous. It is not envy but jealous. There is a difference. Envy is when they secretly admire you and want to be like you. Jealous is ugly. They wish the worst for you because you have something they can't have. Such people are downright mean. Your natural red hair makes them feel jealous alright.

I am sure you are beautiful. Be proud of the way you are. Not even color it. You have a gift. Do not throw that away.

Pssstttt.......can you put your pic. up on the net and give us the link? I wish I could see your picture. I am sure million others do too.

I get teased for having red hair and i dont know what to do :(?

i have the same problem i have probably the nicest colour of red u can gert in hair like ive been told before but dont listen to people at school hounestly i wanna dye my hair dark brown which would probably suit u too, but my parents wont let me so im stuc wif it but if u wanna dye ur hair i would go with brown it will go better than blonde

I get teased for having red hair and i dont know what to do :(?

When you dyed your hair brown before, did you like it?

Did you feel better?

There are a lot of nice shades you can play with, maybe

just 'tone down' the red if You are that uncomfortable,

temporarily - you have to be happy!! But Get an

expert's opinion...

You can go to http://www.l'orealparis.com for a color


One Thing though I really want you to know! Ask almost

every girl on this page!! Whether we were too tall, too short,

had freckles, no breasts - or a long nose?! lol


have been teased at one time or another, and it is painful,

but you're def. not alone - Look at some of the girls around

you - Are they ALL perfect? I doubt it! You're lucky! I'd love to hair long, reddish-auburn hair.. -- There's a great shade! :-)

Hope I helped!! :-)

I get teased for having red hair and i dont know what to do :(?

Dont dye your hair becoz of what ppl say. That would be the dumbest mistake of your life.

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