Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Does red hair or ginger enhance bullying?

for all my life i have been bullied for being ginger but den my hair turned darker as i got older so now it is auburn but im still bullied y

Does red hair or ginger enhance bullying?

I know how you feel. I'm sorry to hear that. I got all kinds of crap about my blue hair.

Does red hair or ginger enhance bullying?

Do u mean u have been bullied for having red hair?

If this is it then its cuz they are jealous. Seriously, but

red heads due tend to have a hot head about them!

Does red hair or ginger enhance bullying?

Possibly you were bullied for your hair colour when you were younger. Dont know why people do this to redheads. Then as you have got older you are feeling more vulnerable %26amp; that possibly shows to others %26amp; therefore you are a target. I have a 6 month old ginger baby %26amp; to be honest the first thing i thought was 'will she get bullied?.' My other two are blonde %26amp; it never crossed my mind.

Just goes to show you that even ME (%26amp; im not a redhead) knows what this can do to someone.

By the Way - Red hair is the most fashionable at moment.

Big Smiles :)

Does red hair or ginger enhance bullying?

I thinks it's mainly the way you carry yourself. If changing your image changes your confidence then yes it can have an effect. BUT you can learn to change your confidence without changing your image. I also have to say some people have a stereotypical look that may automatically put them in the "tease" category ex glasses (I wear them for reading so I'm not saying anything bad), different clothing that's not considered the "norm", and basically anything that's different from your peers.

Does red hair or ginger enhance bullying?

being a red head myself I can say as I got older(in my 40's) theses people were very jealous of me,,, that I was different not the blond or brunette,, red heads have their own personality,, and you know what I mean if your one, I myself was bullied but I always fought back, not a good idea tho I had a rep as a meanie when it came to the boys,, it takes a bigger person to walk away from a fight than to be in one, remember red heads are beautiful

Does red hair or ginger enhance bullying?

I think its because redheads are so different people feel they have to pick fun at them. Only 2% of american women are born with red hair. I have red hair and I've come to love it no matter what anyone says because its so rare, i like being different.

Does red hair or ginger enhance bullying?

It may be your appearance or personality. I'm a red head, but I'm also 5"10 and pretty athletic-looking. Bullies look for people who will not stand up for themselves.

Plus, they are probably just jealous.

Does red hair or ginger enhance bullying?

Yes I'm afraid it does. My hair has turned darker with age and fortunatley the bullying does cease, you may still get the odd coment though. But as I've got older I have had more comments about what a nice colour it is and is it out of a bottle. No! Its all natural. Stick with you will be proud.

Does red hair or ginger enhance bullying?

Either move to Scotland or Ireland because every other person has ginger hair there, it is a very classic Celtic look. You could dye your hair if it is that much of a problem, but I kind of think that is drastic. I know a lot of people with ginger hair and they haven't been bullied for it. You don't think that they are getting at you for another issue but just teasing you about your hair? If you are still at school you must report it.

Does red hair or ginger enhance bullying?

Auburn is my FAVORITE !*!*!*!*!*! color of Women's' hair, and HAS BEEN ever since college [ a LONG time ago].

THAT was a GENUINE compliment, young lady.

You just keep it clean, nourished, and brushed and LET PEOPLE WHO

CAN SEE AND SMELL -- ENJOY the hair! Bully for you! go girl!

Does red hair or ginger enhance bullying?

ohno u shouldnt u should talk to sum1 about that only because ginger is rare hair colour they are porbabally gelous of you dont lett them get to u.

Does red hair or ginger enhance bullying?

I am so sorry to hear that. Some people suit Red Ginger hair. If they are bullying you this may be because they are jealous. If you like your hair you have nothing to worry about. Be happy with yourself and show them that you don't care what they think. They cant rule your life. Stand up for yourself and love what you have while you have it =)

Does red hair or ginger enhance bullying?

I have this awful feeling that it does and i have 3 children 2 of which are ginger and i just hope that one day they are never bullied.

It is wrong to bully anyone and I'm sorry to here you are a victim, but one the brighter side the number of births of ginger babies has been on the increase so hopfully they wont be seen as an easy target .

Does red hair or ginger enhance bullying?

if i was white, i would love to be a red head. Society always needs a target to bully in order to function, unfortunately in this case it was you.

Does red hair or ginger enhance bullying?

it's really a mystery to me why ginger people get bullied.

my boyfriend is ginger and he got bullied for it at school, even tho he lived in scotland!!! it's not like it's an uncommon hair colour there, so i must admit i don't understand it.

i think kids in general need someone to pick on, and your hair colour is the most visible thing about you so they go for that.

try to not let it affect you, auburn is a gorgeous hair colour, be proud of it, and stuff the bullies!!

Does red hair or ginger enhance bullying?

it,s not your hair colour sweet heart it,s you your an easy target get confidence try and meet new people the bullying will stop

Does red hair or ginger enhance bullying?

I completly agree with some of the other comments, having red hair is just an easy target. I too am a fellow red head *wooot* and i get people just walking past me shouting the usual ginger comments... it doesnt help that its big, curly, red hair, at my school the only hairstyle is blonde and straight. Im sure with maturity people will stop the stupid sad comments but we shall all just have to persevere through it now!

Oh and i also live in Scotland and it makes no bloody difference no matter what people say. Scotland is home to 'the chav' and all they can spend their time doing is slagging off other people, that is of course inbetween there 50 a day fag.

I love my hair no matter what some stupid narrow minded person says! It makes me feel individual!

Lets all just hope to god all these people who dye their hair every month and straighten it every morning become bald by the time they're 25 :D

Does red hair or ginger enhance bullying?

I had red hair and was bullied. People think it OK to say things about red heads but isn't this a form of racism? My hair is blond now, but not because of anyone else, I just wanted a change.

Does red hair or ginger enhance bullying?

Personally I think natural red hair is the most beautiful of hair colours. Some of my freinds have a mousey coloured hair which can look green (they wont mind me sayin that they're hairdressers). I had auburn hair as a child and I still have a fiery temper! Take no notice what the bullies have to say...they don't have anything better to do obviously. Hold your beautiful redhead high and show them what they're missing! Hope this helps xxx

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